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Which is Better for Your Lawn: Fescue or Bermuda Grass?

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07 February,2023

Which is Better for Your Lawn: Fescue or Bermuda Grass?

Which is Better for Your Lawn: Fescue or Bermuda Grass?

A well-manicured lawn is something to behold. Nothing improves your home’s aesthetics more than a lush and colorful lawn. The first step to enjoying your yard is to choose which grass to grow. Fescue and Bermuda grasses are the most popular options among homeowners, but deciding which one is best requires careful consideration. We recommend consulting a tree care company for professional advice, ensuring all the critical factors are considered before planting. If unsure which grass is suitable for your yard, call Southern Star Tree for guidance on proper care techniques.

Bermuda Grass

The type of grass you grow determines how you should provide care. Bermuda grass is no exception, hence the need to schedule routine maintenance with a trusted tree service. Our arborists leverage extensive industry experience and expertise to ensure your lawn is in tip-top condition throughout the year. Bermuda grass is easily scalped and damaged, and the recommended mowing height is 1 ½ inches during summer and 2 inches in fall.

The major benefit of growing Bermuda grass is that it grows green in a few weeks after you cut it. Irrigation is a vital factor to consider when choosing grass for your lawn. Bermuda grass is unique because you only have to water it once a week without compromising its health. However, ensure the watering depth is six inches, and aeration should be done in the summer. We recommend growing Bermuda grass if your area receives direct sunlight throughout the day. Regular maintenance by a reputable tree service is critical to optimizing growth and curb aesthetics.

Fescue Grass

Fescue grass requires individual care to foster a lush, appealing lawn. If you opt to grow this type of grass, the recommended mowing height ranges from 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches. The downside of increasing fescue grass on your lawn is regular maintenance to prevent it from growing too tall. Irrigate your property regularly and thoroughly in the summer, usually twice a week and at a depth of two inches.

This type of grass thrives in the fall, so be sure to aerate your lawn between September and October for the best results. Homeowners should have a tree care company to provide professional maintenance specific to their type of grass. Fescue and Bermuda grasses offer varying benefits depending on soil type, climate zone, and other factors. Regardless of your preferred grass, care is required year-round to prevent damage.

Hire an Expert

While most property owners may opt to tackle landscaping projects by themselves, there are perks to working with a certified arborist. We can determine your soil type, ensuring you plant suitable grass for your lawn. The last thing you want is to compromise the quality of your property and incur extra expenses because of stunted growth and frequent damages.

Contact us at Southern Star Tree and talk to our representative for guidance. We can assess your property to determine the best grass type for your lawn and recommend proper care techniques to maintain a beautiful and healthy lawn.


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