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How to Get Rid of Bark Beetles

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16 October,2024

How to Get Rid of Bark Beetles

How to Get Rid of Bark Beetles

Bark beetles are small critters that cause devastating damages on trees if left unattended. Since bark beetles lay eggs in the bark, infestations are not easily detected until it is too late. With that in mind, routine inspections by a professional tree care company can help detect telltale signs of infestation before things worsen. At the Southern Star Tree, we understand the threat bark beetles pose, providing tailored solutions to protect your yard from severe damage and premature tree removal emergencies. Here are effective ways to eliminate these vermin from your premises.

Detect Signs of an Infestation

Like most pests, the first step to preventing an infestation is to detect the signs early. While bark beetles are tiny insects, they leave behind small holes in the bark, fading foliage, and sawdust-like frass near the base. If you detect any or all of the signs on your trees, call a tree service provider quickly to address the problem. Unlike DIY enthusiasts, professionals can determine the severity of damage and recommend effective solutions to prevent death and tree removal costs.

Prune Infected Branches

It is advisable to remove infected limbs to manage the spread of infestation. The last thing you want is for all your trees to be infested with bark beetles, compromising the safety and quality of your premises. Whether you opt for a DIY approach or hire certified arborists to handle the heavy lifting, taking a proactive approach goes a long way to ensure your trees remain healthy. While pruning is effective during the initial stages of infestation, delaying care can exacerbate the problem.

Apply Insecticides

Another effective tool in the fight against bark beetles is insecticides. Tree service providers in Atlanta, GA and industry professionals recommend chemical treatments for widespread infestations. Systemic insecticides are the most common when dealing with vermin, as they are absorbed into the tree’s vascular system and spread throughout its tissues. Other chemicals used in the fight against bark beetles include contact insecticides, which prevent burrowing and protect internal tissue. It is advisable to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, but if you prefer a professional approach, hire a tree care company to handle application,

Implement Preventive Measures

Prevention is better than cure! When it comes to a pest infestation, preventing it is better than dealing with an active one. Since healthy trees are more resistant to infestation, focus on preventive practices like mulching, regular watering, and fertilization. In addition, avoid wounding trees during maintenance like pruning, as it adds stress and increases susceptibility to infestation. Implement these measures before spring, or higher seasoned arborists, to inspect and treat vulnerable trees.

Use Natural Predators

Lastly, nature can help you control pest like bark beetles. As a property owner, encouraging or introducing natural predators such as parasitic wasps or woodpeckers can keep pest populations in check. While this method doesn’t provide immediate results, it helps to balance the ecosystem and provides long-term protection.

Bark beetles are small insects with the power to cause irreversible damage if you don’t act. Contact us at the Southern Star Tree and schedule a consultation with our arborists to detect and address signs of infestation or infection early.


How to Get Rid of Bark Beetles

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