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Should You Be Worried About Leaf Scars?

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11 October,2022

Should You Be Worried About Leaf Scars?

Should You Be Worried About Leaf Scars?

A healthy and lush landscape is appealing to see and increases property value. If you want to add new plants to your garden or backyard, several considerations ensure you make the right choice. Plant species require varying conditions to grow properly, hence the need to work with a trusted tree care company. Southern Star Tree has a team of an experienced and knowledgeable team of arborists ready to help you maintain an amazing curb full of healthy plants.

Property owners are weary of plants with scarred leaves, fearing they might deteriorate quickly or spread diseases to healthy greenery on the premises. While scars shouldn’t be ignored, they are rarely a cause for concern. Leaf scars signify that the plant is healthy and doesn’t pose any risk to the surrounding healthy plants. If you detect scars in your plants, consult a professional tree service for peace of mind.

What Are Leaf Scars?

"Leaf scar" is an ambiguous phrase, which means a healed tear or scar gained at any point while growing. Although the scar is fully healed, the leaf remains damaged on the edges, showing it is healthy enough to heal.

The phrase is also common when identifying trees up north during winter. Plants are usually dormant during the cold season and shed leaves to withstand harsh weather. When leaves fall, they usually leave behind a scar, which is referred to as a "leaf scar."

How Do Plants Get Scars?

Now that you know what a leaf scar is, it is crucial to know how plants get scars for better maintenance. There are many ways scarring happens, just like any other living thing. These scenarios can leave the leaves with healed tears and holes, from pest infestation to poor weather. Since the scars are healed, they pose no health risk to your plants.

However, the process is unique if the scars are left behind from fallen leaves. The petiole attaches the leaf to the plant, ensuring the leaf blade is alive. Over time, the leaf ages and falls off, leaving behind an open wound in its place. Once the affected spot heals, the scab can identify the type of tree.

Contact a tree care company for professional maintenance if you can’t differentiate a leaf scar from a mining mark. Leaf miners are nasty insect larvae that live and eat leaves and are often mistaken for leaf scars. Alleviate all doubt by working with an experienced tree service, leveraging their extensive industry knowledge.

Can Leaf Scars Be Prevented?

Scars are a part of life; just like us, there’s little you can do to prevent leaf scars. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce the frequency of scarring throughout the lifespan of the plant. A great example is scheduling routine inspections with a tree care company. Contact us at Southern Star Tree, and let us help you protect your plants from severe damage. We guarantee top-notch tree service and maintenance at pocket-friendly rates.


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